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Ultimate Order Placed Email 📩

/ 4 min read

Buyers Remorse

Buyer's remorse is the regret somebody feels after spending their hard-earned money.

A customer may feel the purchase was unnecessary and extravagant.

Buyer’s remorse is a natural feeling.

Your customer would rather have their money in their bank account and not yours 😔 Even if it means they are receiving one of your products in return. It is important to reduce buyer’s remorse as it will help with retaining customers and encouraging repeat orders. More orders = higher revenue.

I will say though, that no amount of email flows is going to save your customer from a product that is not good. You have to get the basics right first. A good product will reduce a lot of buyer’s remorse anyway. If you have a good product then that means you are miles ahead in terms of dealing with buyer’s remorse problems. If you want to drive revenue and sales further. Let’s talk about the ultimate post-transaction email to reduce buyer’s remorse.

Post transaction flow

The post-transaction flow is a no-brainer for your business - it’s something you need to have. If this is the first purchase from a customer it’s customary that you congratulate and thank them. Without your customers, you wouldn’t be able to run an eCom brand. So the first step would be saying a big “Thank You”

Depending on whether they put in personal details it would be good to state their name in the email (everybody loves to hear their name). Something along the lines of:

Thanks for that John

It is that simple, thank them for buying your product. This makes your customers feel good and shows them you appreciate them.

After the initial thank you - you have 3 tracks you can go down in terms of email content. Each can swapped out for another, or you can use all three, it’s up to you. But just remember your customer is only going to give you a certain amount of attention before they move on with their day.

Join the family approach

An approach that I find interesting is one that immediately welcomes them into a family. If you are trying to build a brand you must make your customers feel a part of your journey. Let’s say you had a Direct-to-Customer Creatine supplement. You would put something like this.

“Thanks for joining our journey - it’s been a crazy ride so far, but there is more still to come. We want you to be a part of it - follow our Socials to stay in touch” “with Social Links” etc It is short and simple - but it makes the customer feel as though they are a part of the journey. And gives them a long-term view of them being associated with your brand.

Reviews and testimonials

Another big thing that would fit well on the page is the Reviews and Testimonials sections. It does not have to be much. But your brand would benefit greatly from your customers seeing that other people are using your products and are satisfied with their purchase. Generally, after someone has purchased something reality sinks in about them spending their hard-earned money. If you just showcase to them that other people are using your product and enjoying it, it’s going to help reduce buyer’s remorse.

I would keep the testimonials short and snappy though and give the user the option to follow a link to more reviews and testimonials. Remember your customer only has a short attention span.

Interesting Stats

Interesting Stats is one I think gives your brand a bit of identity while making the customer feel special. I’m going to assume you have some stats you can use here. But basically, these are stats that can trigger an emotional response from your customer. For example, check out these stats:

  • Hey Alice, you are the 100th customer from Denmark - Congratulations

  • Thanks for that Alex, did you know you are the 10th person to try our new Banana flavour…

  • Let me tell you a secret John, you are pretty special. You are the first John, we have sold to - Let's go, John!

The above is very “brand friendly” - and they are supposed to be - It is more so a light-hearted stat that can be used to give your customer a “warm fuzzy”. It’s a way to showcase to your customers that you are not just some brand and a personality. Because you do… right?

Use all of the above or just use one - these are proven tricks to help combat buyer’s remorse. And less buyer’s remorse equates to more sales.

Or just a happy customer 😉

I can help your eCom brand with your post-purchase email flow, click here and let’s chat.